
How we collect and use data from this site

If you don’t consent to the terms of this privacy policy, please navigate away from web pages hosted on - continued use of this site constitutes acceptance of these terms. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions about how we approach protecting your privacy, or if you have any concerns.

Traffic Data

When you access this site, we automatically collect some data about your visit. This includes basic analytic information, like the pages you load, your IP address, the time/duration of network requests, and device/session information like browser version and language. We collect this information from every visitor to the site to help us understand how many people are using the site, and how we can improve it. None of our data collection is intended to identify individuals, and we store no cookies in your browser.

Service Providers

We host this site on Firebase Hosting, a service provided by Google. When you visit this site, your request is routed through their servers, and their use of the information is described here.

We collect no client-side (i.e. JavaScript) metrics and solely use GoAccess to analyze server traffic logs.

We include forms on our site for allowing newsletter sign-ups, these are managed by us using listmonk and hosted on Cloud Run, a service provided by Google’s Cloud Platform. Their usage of information is described here.

Mailing List

If you sign up for our mailing list, we will record and retain your email address, and will send you updates about our organization. We will never share this information with anyone else. You can request to remove your email address from this list at any time by emailing us at

This site links out to other sites, including to subdomains of this site. The privacy policy of these sites may be different from our own (this one only covers and, and we assume no responsibility for the content or privacy practices of these sites.


We may change this privacy policy at any time. This page will continue to have the source-of-truth policy that governs our collection and use of data generated through this site. Please check back to ensure you remain informed and comfortable with our data practices.